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My story


I rise for the wounded woman within me.

As I hold her, I heal her.  


My story is my offering

It was during my own recovery journey that I got awakened by the healing hands of wonderful women. Traumatized by the sudden loss of my father, and suppressed by my over controlling Eating Disorder, they held me, and showed me the way. A world full of darkness slowly got alchemized into love, light, courage, and creation. 

“Never in my career have I seen someone who felt so motivated, so worthy enough for recovering.”

These were the words my therapist spoke to me during my rehabilitation process. I could feel this sentence being written in my heart, and craved in my soul. I knew this journey was for a higher purpose. My soul was yarning to walk the path of a recovery warrior, a womban, a heartist, a healer.

When I was visiting the darkest depths of my soul, my body was completely disconnected. My waters were blocked, and my womb was out of order. I did not bleed anymore. How could I possibly feel feminine, without any curves, and no bleed? This is where I started to walk the path of the warrior woman of the womb. 


I had to fight this battle my way. The healthcare system offered me a slow way out, but feminine healing was my highway in.     


All the ones who were holding space for me, healers, teachers, sisters, medicine women, space holders, all of them were women. They were the women, holding me, and guiding me to the Temple of The Rising Feminine. 

Because of them, I started to dance, sing, travel and create again. I started to feel whole again. Because of them, I learned how to become the one to become. To heal the wounded one, to honour the worthy one. 


After participating in multiple healing modalities and trainings, I rediscovered the beauty of the medicine that

I have to offer. I re-developed the wisdom of my womb, and let her lead me the way.  


She started to speak, very clearly. I can feel her change of the seasons, her archetypes moving as the moon through her phases. Follicular, Ovulation, Luteal, Menstrual. Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter. Maiden, Mother, Wild Woman, Wise Woman. 


My sacred womb space, the space of creation, has lead me The Feminine Temple. She has birthed all the women out of The Rising Feminine Oracle Deck. She is rising. 


I now clearly see my body beyond her appearance. I honour my temple every day. I feel alive within all feelings. I am so blessed to be a woman. I truly believe that every woman should feel like that. 

Are you ready to enter the Temple?

Are you ready to enter The Feminine Temple? To awaken the wisdom of your womb? To journey beyond the ego, the judgment, the fear? Are you ready, to open your heart, and to dance with the body of a woman? 


I am here to show you the way as a certified reiki practitioner, sacred space-holder for women’s circles and cacao journeys, an intuitive oracle reader, creator of The Rising Feminine Oracle deck, and not to forget… I am here to hold space for you as a healthy human, a worthy woman, just like you. 

My story
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© 2025 All rights reserved by Hilde Mulder.

In deep honour, gratitude and respect to all the women before me, beside me, and after me. I am grateful for the ones who showed me the way,

the ones who held me in their arms, and welcomed me on their land. Thank you.


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All artworks, photographs & text written on this website are copyrighted by Hilde Mulder. 
Cancellation Policy
For cancellations or reschedules for 1:1 sessions and readings, please contact me at least 48 hours in advance of your appointment to avoid being charged.
Thank you. 
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